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Baker's Bash- Saturday, August 17th, 2024. 
Isabella County Fairgrounds 1/2 Mile Mt. Pleasant, Michigan

This is a release and indemnity agreement – Read it before signing


I hereby give up all my rights to sue or make any claim for damages due to negligence or any other reason whatsoever against Brad Baker, Brad the Bullet Racing LLC, Isabella County Fairgrounds, AMA District 14 Club Council, the American Motorcyclist Association / All Terrain Vehicle Association and their respective district organizations, the promoters, sponsors and all other persons, participants or organizations conducting or connected with this event for injury to property or person I may suffer, including crippling injury or death, while participating in the event and while upon event premises.  I know the risks of danger to myself and my property while preparing for and participating in the event and while upon the event premises and, relying upon my own judgment and ability, assume all such risks of loss and hereby agree to reimburse all costs to those persons or organizations connected with this event for damages incurred as a result of my negligence.

Please check in at registration at the track to sign your release form and get your practice sticker.

Classes: Choose more than one if needed

$25 Pit Pass


$40 Pre Entry per class


$60 Post Entry per class at event


Must have AMA membership / One Day Pass. Available at event.


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