Baker's Bash
Isabela County fairgrounds
500 N. Mission Rd
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858
July 17th, 2022 : Practice
Signup: 2:00 pm
Practice 4:00pm-7:00pm
District 14 Class Structure
July 18th : Baker Bash Race
Gates open: 8:00am
Sign up: 10:00am
Practice/ qualifying: Noon
Open ceremonies: 4:00pm
Open Pro Money (must be at least 16 years of age)
85cc mod (9-15yrs)
250cc mod (must be 12yrs or older)
450cc mod (must be 14yrs or older)
July 19th : District 14 Race
Gates and sign up open: 8am
Practice: 10am
Racing: noon
District 14 Race
Classes recognized by AMA/D14 dirt track &
for which points may be earned are as follows:
1. 0-51cc Pee Wee Production Shaft Drive 4-8 years old
2. 0-51cc Production Multi-speed 4-8 years old
3. 0-51 cc Production Chain 4-8 years old
4. 52-65cc 7-11 years old
5. 66-85cc 9-15 years old
6. 86-250cc Open
7. 249cc+ Open Single
8. 450 A
9. 450 Sportsman
10. 251cc+ Hooligan/Open Twin
11. Veteran 30+ years
12. Senior 45+ years
13. Masters 60+ years
14. Vintage 0-400cc (Air Cooled 1988 and older)
15. 401 Open Vintage 1988 or older (17+ years on 400cc+ Twin)
16. Wildcat 80-200cc (Air Cooled 4 Stroke, 12+ years)
17. Combo (450 A riders plus pro riders)
18. Open pro quad